The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is an integral part of the Prince Edward Island community. We operate seven provincial museums and heritage sites across Prince Edward Island, providing Islanders and visitors alike with an opportunity to discover our province's heritage and culture.
Provincial Museum and Heritage Sites
Acadian Museum of Prince Edward Island (open year-round)
Basin Head Fisheries Museum (open seasonally)
Beaconsfield Historic House (open year-round)
Elmira Railway Museum (open seasonally)
Eptek Art & Culture Centre (open year-round)
Green Park Shipbuilding Museum & Yeo House (open seasonally)
Orwell Corner Historic Village (open seasonally)
Beyond administering these sites, the Foundation is responsible for the provincial collection of more than 100,000 material and cultural objects. Our staff provide professional conservation and collection services to outside groups, individuals and organizations. Twice a year, the Foundation publishes its official journal of PEI heritage and culture: The Island Magazine.
The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is a provincial crown corporation (schedule B) governed by a board of governors as outlined in the Museum Act. The board of governors is appointed through Engage PEI and the minister responsible is the Minister of Fisheries, Sport, Tourism and Culture.
Our Vision
To help Islanders play an active and informed role in shaping their world by encouraging an understanding and appreciation of Prince Edward Island's cultural and natural heritage.
Our Mission
To preserve the heritage of Prince Edward Island for present and future generations. As Prince Edward Island's provincial museum, the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation is the principal repository and steward of evidence that documents or represents the cultural and natural history of our province and its people.
Our Mandate and Goal
The purpose of the Museum shall be to study, collect, preserve, interpret and protect the human and natural history of Prince Edward Island for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the people of the province (Museum Act 1983, c.34, s.4.)
To acquire and share knowledge of Island history, cultural and natural world with Islanders and visitors.
To encourage discovery, appreciation, and understanding of Prince Edward Island and to inspire Islanders and their visitors to explore and understand the world around them.
2024-2028 Strategic Plan
Click here to view the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation's strategic plan.
Annual Reports
Learn more about the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation from our most recent annual reports: