The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is an integral part of the Prince Edward Island community. We operate seven provincial museums and heritage sites across Prince Edward Island, providing Islanders and visitors alike with an opportunity to discover our province's heritage and culture.
We are also responsible for the provincial collection of more than 100,000 material and cultural objects.
Our staff provides professional conservation and collection services to outside groups, individuals, and organizations.
We publish our official journal of PEI heritage and culture twice a year: The Island Magazine.
We produce the hidden island podcast, which shares stories about the hidden heritage in our province and discusses why that heritage is still relevant today.
Our mission is to preserve the heritage of Prince Edward Island for present and future generations.
The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is stronger and most effective when we reflect the diversity of the Island population we serve. We are dedicated to building and promoting a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce, representative of our Island community.